All CCHSG parents and carers are invited to join our exciting parent community, Classlist. Classlist is an award winning online platform and mobile app designed to make life easier for parents. It is free to use, completely secure and used by over 2,000 UK schools. This is not just another way for the PTFA to send messages, though it is indeed useful for this. Its real value lies in enabling parents to communicate with each other. As with social networks, the more people join, the more useful it will be.

Classlist is only open to parents of students from our school. Parents and carers are put into groups based on their child’s Year Group and can choose to communicate with other parents in that Year Group in group conversations or one to one messages. It is useful for helping you to make contact with other parents in your daughter’s form. Classlist also allows you to join or create interest-based parent communities at the school or invite others to events. You may want to check homework, share transport for an early morning school trip, ask for help with a drop off or pick-up, etc. 

Many people have concerns or are sceptical about social media in general. While it is important to respect people’s feelings on this subject, we would like to reassure you that Classlist is a safe, secure and friendly environment. The platform is fully compliant with 2018 data protection (GDPR) legislation, registered with the UK Information Commissioner’s Office and certified through the UK government backed Cyber Essentials scheme. The content is monitored by Classlist themselves, the PTFA and school staff. None of the information that you include in your profile, apart from your name, is visible to other parents.

You can register now by visiting
On your phone download the Classlist app and sign up or scan the QR code.