CCHSG 500 Club
We are seeking the continued support of our school community with the CCHSG 500 Club. Membership will take the form of a one off payment of £40, which entitles participants to be entered into ten monthly draws, over the academic year, for prize money of up to £500. All the funds raised will go directly towards the provision of additional resources and equipment for our students.
Who can take part in CCHSG 500 Club?
Parents/carers/guardians, students (aged 16 & over) and staff of CCHSG can take part. A maximum of 500 numbered tickets can be included in the draw at any given time.
How many tickets can one participant buy?
Each participant can purchase up to 5 tickets at £40 each (a maximum of £200.00) per year. There is no limit to how many tickets can be purchased per household. All tickets must be purchased through TryBooking. A booking fee of £2.00 applies per ticket purchased.
How many winning tickets will be drawn per month and what is the percentage payout to winners?
3 tickets will be drawn per month via a computer generated system. Should full membership of 500 tickets be achieved, a total of £20,000 will be collected per annum. Of this amount, a total of £10,000 (£1,000 per month) will be paid out as prize money from October until July, leaving a total of £10,000 as the amount raised for the school’s funds.
If the total number of tickets sold is less than 500, 50% of the total amount raised will be allocated for the winners of the 10 draws. This will be apportioned as:
1st Prize – 50% of the 1/10 month’s portion
2nd Prize – 30% of the 1/10 month’s portion
3rd Prize – 20% of the 1/10 month’s portion
When will the draw(s) take place?
A draw will be made using an electronic system on the 20th day of each month, or the nearest school day (October– July) from the valid entries.
How will the winners be notified?
Winners will be notified via email and paid by cheque sent to their home address. Winning ticket numbers, but not the names of the winners, will also be posted in the school’s Parent and Staff Bulletins, Facebook Page and on the school website.
If I change my mind about the membership, can I have my money back?
There will be no refunds for those who wish to leave the 500 Club once the first draw has taken place.
If you are eligible to apply, please show your support for the work of CCHSG staff and students by joining the CCHSG 500 Club. You can purchase your tickets via https://www.trybooking.com/uk/DRUD
Society Name — CCHSG 500 Club
Registration number — 097301
Gambling Act 2005
- For a cost of £40.00 per ticket (£4.00 per draw) participants will be allocated one unique number.
- Membership is for a year (October 2024 – July 2025).
- Ticket numbers will be issued in running order via the CCHSG page on trybooking.com

- Eligibility for membership:-
- Parents/carers/guardians and students (age 16 and above) currently attending Colchester County High School for Girls
- Staff currently employed by Colchester County High School for Girls
- Membership application will be on a first come, first served basis with full payment.
- Tickets are limited to 5 per participant but there are no limits to entries per household.
- Three winning tickets will be drawn from the valid entries via an electronic system on the 20th of each month or the nearest school day (October – July). Where a draw date falls on a Bank Holiday, the next working day will be the draw date.
- Should full membership of 500 tickets be achieved, a total of £20,000 will be raised. Of this amount, a total of £10,000 (£1,000 per month) will be paid out as prize money from October until July, leaving a total of £10,000 as the amount raised for the school’s funds.
- In the event that the total number of tickets sold is less than 500, 50% of the total amount raised will be allocated for the winners of the 10 draws. This will be apportioned as:
1st Prize – 50% of the 1/10 month’s portion
2nd Prize – 30% of the 1/10 month’s portion
3rd Prize – 20% of the 1/10 month’s portion
- If a member wishes to stop participating in the CCHSG 500 Club draw once the 1st draw has commenced, no refunds will be issued.
- Winners will be paid via cheque.
- Winners will be notified via email. Winning ticket numbers will be posted in the school’s Parent and Staff Weekly Bulletin, Facebook Page and on the school website.
CCHSG 500 Club Coordinator
Email: 500ClubCoordinator@cchsg.com
Colchester County High School for Girls, Norman, Way, Colchester, CO3 3US
Society Name — CCHSG 500 Club
Registration number — 097301
Gambling Act 2005
500 Club Winners 2024/25
Draw 1: 21 October 2024
First Prize: £89.00 – Ticket 430005-5687775
Second Prize: £53.00 – Ticket 430005-5886934
Third Prize: £36.00 – Ticket 430005-5517956
Draw 2: 18 November 2024
First Prize: £89.00 – Ticket 430005-5833370
Second Prize: £53.00 – 430005-5814389
Third Prize: £36.00 – Ticket 430005-5574378
Draw 3: 18 December 2024
First Prize: £91 – Ticket 430005-5815620
Second Prize: £55 – Ticket 430005-5820796
Third Prize: £36 – Ticket 430005-5574378
Draw 4: 20 January 2025
First Prize: £91 -Ticket 430005-5769729
Second Prize: £55 – Ticket 430005-5814389
Third Prize: £36 – Ticket 430005-5516618
Draw 5: 24 February 2025