Admission to Year 7 is by the 11+ selection test.

Places at CCHSG are applied for through the Local Education Authority and allocated to students based on performance in the 11+ selection test. The purpose of the 11+ test is to enable grammar schools to identify students who have the potential to thrive in an environment which provides a highly academic curriculum, which also has depth and breadth, and offers a range of challenging pursuits. We do not charge fees and we welcome applications from students living in Essex and surrounding areas. The school is committed to fair access for disadvantaged students.

Colchester County High School for Girls’ own supplementary Information Form (SIF) must ONLY be completed for a pupil in receipt of free schools meals by virtue of their household income at the agreed government threshold either currently or have received free school meals by virtue of their household income at the agreed government threshold in the previous 6 years, for whom their primary school receives the pupil premium or for a pupil who is or has been in social care (is a looked after child or previously looked after child). The form was on the website from 06:00 on the 14 of May. The deadline for submission of the form was 23:55 on the 31 of October 2024.

Please see the Consortium of Selective Schools Website for details including 11+ Test Information and sample tests

Click here to view our School Prospectus

Year 5 Information Evening

An information evening is held annually in June for parents of prospective students (Year 5). A recorded version of the 2024 presentation is available via the link below.

Places at CCHSG are applied for through the Local Education Authority and allocated to students based on performance in the 11+ selection test.  The purpose of the 11+ test is to enable grammar schools to identify students who have the potential to thrive in an environment which provides a highly academic curriculum, which also has depth and breadth, and offers a range of challenging pursuits.  We do not charge fees and we welcome applications from students living in Essex and surrounding areas. The school is committed to fair access for disadvantaged students.

The 11+ test for admission in September 2026 will take place in September 2025.  CCHSG is part of the Consortium of Selective Schools in Essex  Registration for the test is via the CSSE website for schools within the CSSE and opens for a limited period in May/June. 

You can also follow regular news and updates from CCHSG on Facebook and Twitter.