CCHSG has had a successful and committed PTFA for many years. It is run by an enthusiastic committee of volunteers and aims to raise funds for the benefit of students and also to give students, their families and friends a chance to become more involved in the vibrant and diverse CCHSG school community.

The membership of the organisation includes not only the elected committee members, but all parents, carers and staff. This creates a fantastic foundation for our PTFA and its success.

We organise social and fundraising events throughout the year and on average raise over £20,000 which has been used for funding resources and equipment such as:

  • Sets of aprons for use in KS3 Healthy Living classes
  • Garden equipment for the Eco Schools Group
  • Multimeters and a ranging pole for the Science Department
  • Floor microphones, a portable PA system and Roland piano for the Music Department
  • Netball jerseys for the school team
  • Annual Jack Petchey public speaking workshops delivered by the Speakers Trust, for Year 10
  • Text books for the languages department
  • £5,000 worth of PE equipment for the new Sports Hall
  • Visualisers for classrooms in all subject areas
  • Additional benches for outdoor seating
  • Part funded the purchase of a new minibus (a contribution of £16,000 of the £32,00 purchase price).

The PTFA Committee annually organises social events such as family Quiz or Bingo Nights. We also run a Welcome Party for new Year 7 students and their parents at the start of each academic year. Each Christmas the school and local community come together to enjoy our vibrant Christmas Market.

The PTFA welcomes ideas for events and suggestions for fundraising. Your suggestions or enquiries related to the PTFA can be emailed to the Chair of PTFA Mrs Anni Cullen, via  Parents can find all our news and updates in the PTFA section at the end of the weekly Parent Bulletin.

Chair:Mrs Anni Cullen
Vice Chairs:Mrs Eve Brindley & Mr Vinodh Gurusamy
Secretary:Mrs Caroline Westgarth
Treasurer:Mrs Cornell Nell
Communications:Ms Kate Stubbs
Nearly New Uniform:Mrs Anni Cullen


For all enquires related to PTFA, email

CCHSG PTFA Committee Members’ Job Description (PDF Download)


If you haven’t registered to support us yet, please consider joining our 200+ active supporters who have raised thousands of pounds for CCHSG since we joined the scheme in April 2016. 

Donating to CCHSG does not have to cost you anything. There is no catch. You will simply shop online as you normally would but as a registered supporter via Easyfundraising and the retailer will donate a percentage from your purchase to our charity (CCHSG PTFA).

If you are purchasing a holiday, or shopping at any major retailer online (see item below re: Amazon shopping) or on the high street, you could be helping to raise funds to support Colchester County High School for Girls PTFA.  Look at our Easyfundraising booklet via the link below for details about how to sign up and generate donations for free! 

Sign up today at:

STIKINS name labels

Save time and money with multipurpose name labels. Stikins are stick on name labels that can be used to label clothes, fabric items, shoes, bags, lunch boxes, water bottles, PE kits, stationery and all kinds of other personal belongings.  To order, go to and help us earn commission by quoting our unique Fundraising Number: 35809.

Click here to order Stikins name labels and raise funds for the school

Charity No. 1110464

CCHSG PTFA runs very successful Nearly New Uniform Sales every term. The donated stock of quality uniform is sold at very affordable prices and the proceeds allow the PTFA to fund additional equipment and resources for departments across the school. Sale dates for the year are advertised in the PTFA section of the Weekly Parent Bulletin.

Donations of quality uniform items requested: 

Do you have CCHSG uniform, PE kit etc. that your daughter has outgrown and which is in good condition? If so, please donate it to the PTFA for resale. Donations can be placed in the blue wheelie bin outside school reception. We particularly hope that Year 11 parents will donate the uniform that their daughters no longer need as they progress on to Sixth Form.

We are also grateful for donations of 11 Plus, SATs, GCSE and A Level revision books.

Where to deliver donations?

Uniform and books can be left in the clearly marked wheelie bins outside school reception.

When to donate?

We accept donations at any time throughout the year. Please make sure items are washed and in good condition.

When will Nearly New Uniform be on sale to parents?

Sales are held every term and are publicised in the PTFA section of the weekly Parent Bulletin via Classlist and on social media. 

For further details please contact : –

Anni Cullen, Chair of CCHSG PTFA at

Click here for the PTFA’s Privacy Notice on how we handle your data