We are an enthusiastic and forward thinking Department.  Our intent is to equip our students to gain the necessary skills and knowledge in order to succeed at their chosen level.  We also strongly believe that a high-quality Latin education should inspire and promote not only a love of learning Latin but also foster a deep curiosity for and affinity with the ancient world and its importance as the foundation of our current 21st century world.

Our intent is therefore not only to teach the appropriate examination specification but also to

  • Raise an awareness and appreciation of Latin, not as a dead language, but of its links to English and other Modern foreign languages.
  • Build and enhance students’ English vocabulary and syntax based on their knowledge of Latin
  • Instil an appreciation of the cross-curricular benefits of Latin in Science, Medicine, Law etc.
  • Through translation and the study of Literature promote an interest in the classical world, its thought, philosophy, history, mythology, beliefs etc. which not only question modern thinking but also form the basis of the world in which we live.

Students start the study of Latin in Year 8, with Year 9 starting the GCSE course.  This enables students to develop in-depth subject knowledge.

Students have the opportunity to become involved in mentoring and assisting teaching staff with the delivery of lessons for younger students.  There is also an opportunity to learn Ancient Greek in our Greek Society and to participate in both school and national competitions such as the Year 8 ‘Apprentice’ challenge. Students also have access to various competitions run by Cambridge University and the opportunity to take part in the Euroclassica award.

The department is housed in three specialist rooms that are well equipped with a range of resources including projectors and visualizers. We also have our own Sixth Form library with a comprehensive selection of books to support students’ learning and individual interests.

Latin is particularly useful for those interested in Modern Foreign Languages, English and History and is an asset for anyone intending to pursue a career in Law and Medicine. There are many careers and courses for which no particular A Levels are required and in these cases Latin is as relevant as any other subject.  Latin graduates find employment at least as easily as other Arts graduates.  Popular career options range from accountancy and banking to computer software design and advertising.