Jack Petchey came from a disadvantaged East End background but became one of the most successful businessmen in Britain. The Jack Petchey Foundation, was set up to recognise the positive attitudes and contributions young people make to their schools and the local community in London and Essex. It also supports clubs and societies for young people both in, and out of school. At CCHSG we are proud to run the Achievement Award Scheme. We have 9 awards each year of a badge, certificate and £200 to recognise those who help provide opportunities for others. Students, parents and staff can make a nomination each half term and the winners are decided by Student Voice and presented with their awards in school assembly. The money can then be spent on any item of the students’ choice, provided that students within the school benefit in some way from the expenditure.
Please see The Jack Petchey website for further details www.jackpetcheyfoundation.org.uk