The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a life-changing experience. A fun time with friends. An opportunity to discover new interests and talents, or hone your abilities in an existing one. A tool to develop essential skills for life, university and work. A recognised mark of achievement; respected by employers.
CCHSG has a well-established programme and are officially accredited to run the Bronze, Silver and Gold Awards, with over 180 students taking part each year, and our completion rates are excellent.
All CCHSG students will regularly be informed about the school’s DofE programme and given the opportunity to take part. When students sign-up for DofE, they will have access to the eDofE application where they can upload evidence of their activities and track their progress. A weekly drop-in session for queries and advice regarding the award scheme and use of the school DofE equipment for expeditions.
Throughout their DofE journey they will be supported by the DofE co-ordinator, school staff and external specialists.
Our DofE Co-ordinator is Samantha Borroff. She can be contacted at sborroff@cchsg.com
Award Levels
The award scheme is progressive, the sections are more challenging and over an increasing time period as they move from Bronze, through Silver to Gold. The activities are for a minimum of one hour a week over a set period of time, so they can be fitte0d in around academic study, hobbies and social lives. Participants can start Silver and Gold without having completed the previous awards. However, they must spend additional time on the sections.

Current CCHSG Offering:
Bronze – in Year 10
Silver – in Year 11
Gold – in Year 12
Award Sections
Volunteering section
Volunteering is all about making a difference to other people’s lives. Students choose their own activity which could be anything from conservation work, raising money for charity or working with older people to starting a local recycling campaign. The Volunteering section is about giving your time to help others and change things for the better. Ideas for the volunteering section can be found on the DofE website.
Physical section
This is a chance to focus on health and fitness. The only requirement is that the activity chosen requires a sustained level of energy and physical activity. For example you could improve your football, rock climbing or dance skills, or try a completely new sport or activity. The activity can be completed as part of a team or alone. It is not necessary to achieve at a very high standard or be incredibly fit – it’s the personal progress that counts. Ideas for the physical section can be found on the DofE website.
Skills section
The Skills section is about working to develop skills in a chosen area. This could mean getting better at something you already do, like playing a musical instrument or learning something for the very first time, like how to design a website. Ideas for the skills section can be found on the DofE website.
Expedition section
The Expedition section promotes team spirit, the ability to compromise and recognise the skills of others, develop communication and leadership skills, resilience and independence, and provides a source of many happy memories. As part of a small team, students take part in training sessions and a training day to prepare them to plan and complete their qualifying walking expedition. At Silver & Gold level they will also complete a practice expedition. Teams set their own aim, which is presented after the expedition has been completed.
Find out how the Expeditions are assessed here.
Residential section (Gold Award only)
Gold Award students complete an additional Residential volunteering section. For example, helping at a National Trust site in the UK or working with children in India.
Information on the residential section can be found on the DofE Website
For general information about the DofE Award scheme visit: www.dofe.org