We have a comprehensive programme of support to help students through the process of choosing a course and making an application to University. Past students also provide an excellent source of advice and insight into particular courses and institutions. During Year 12 students are encouraged to investigate courses through work experience and/or reading around the subject. Talks are given by Admissions Tutors and subject specific talks are provided by external speakers.
Please note the following useful websites are all third-party agencies. CCHSG takes no responsibility for the content or functionality of these links:
Useful websites:
Essex County Council Youth Service have issued their School Leavers Options Guide. This will be useful for Year 11 students considering their options for this September but also for Year 10 students thinking ahead for next year. Download the Summer 2022 School Leavers Guide
What do I do next??? Excellent over view of options post GCSE available to students, check out this link: National Careers Service – Explore Careers
Interested in a Career in Sport/Physical Wellbeing? ActiveEssex website has regular postings of full-time, part-time and zero hour jobs in Sports
Greater Essex Careers Hub Booklet
Pathway to University
www.ucas.com Details: UCAS – Organisation responsible for managing applications to Higher Education courses
www.prospects.ac.uk Details: overview of graduate opportunities
The Russell Group represents 24 leading UK universities. Details: Informed Choices booklet helps identify the A-level subjects and BTEC L3 courses required for degree entry at top-rated universities in the UK
The Complete University Guide – Choosing a University
www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/ng-interactive/2014/dec/18/university-research-excellence-framework-2014-full-rankings Details: Research Excellence Framework results presented by The Guardian. REF assesses the quality of research in UK higher education institutions.
www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/world-university-rankings Details: world ranking of universities
www.universitycompare.com A comprehensive university comparison site, offering students resources, tools, student discounts and university stats and rankings.
www.universitycompare.com/courses/ A course search which allows you to see all of the different courses available and make direct comparisons
Pathway to Study Abroad
www.fulbright.org.uk Details: Fulbright Commission – studying in the USA
www.astarfuture.co.uk Details: A Star Future – study opportunities in Europe
Pathway to Taking a Gap Year
www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice Details: useful government information for travelling outside the UK
www.kayavolunteer.com Details: Kaya Responsible Travel – a range of sustainable volunteer and internship placements in Africa, Asia and Latin America
www.projects-abroad.co.uk Details: Projects Abroad- placements in 28 different countries ranging from volunteering with children, conservation work and internships
www.raleighinternational.org Details: Rayleigh International- they use young volunteers for projects that have a positive impact locally and globally
www.conservationafrica.net/ Details: African Experience – Conservation placements in zoos and wildlife reserves
www.podvolunteer.org Details: Pod Volunteer – placements with animals; building and community; conservation; childcare; education
www.sportlived.co.uk Details: Sport Lived – placements in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa
Information about Clubs, Societies, and Volunteering
vinspired.com Details: Connects 14- 25 year olds with volunteering opportunities in England
libraries.essex.gov.uk/volunteering-with-libraries/ Details: Essex Libraries Summer Reading Challenge etc.
www.volunteering.org.uk/ Details: Volunteering in England
Volunteering Matters – the new name for Community Service Volunteers
www.volunteeressex.org/ Details: Volunteering in Essex
www.dofe.org/ Details: The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award – Bronze, Silver, and Gold standards
Skills Assessors
Skillsometer – Complete the Skillsometer quiz by clicking the link below and find a list of job suggestions based on your interests and skills.
Careerometer – Click on the Careerometer link below to find out how much you can earn per week for any job and how the pay is compared nationally.
Get the up to date information on top employers, and search for the latest jobs, courses and advice: https://successatschool.org/
See below for some recommended websites linking to Labour Market Information:
The Essex skills insight and economic growth tool
The Essex datasets allow you to review data related to the Labour Market
Working Futures: Working Futures uses robust sources of national data on demographics, education, employment and the economy to make projections of the UK labour market. This presentation includes information on future growth sectors and future growth occupations.
Employer Skills Survey: The Employer Skills Survey is the UK’s definitive source of intelligence on employer investment. This presentation uses information on training behaviour and recruitment of young people and education leavers from the survey.
Employer Perspectives Survey. The Employer Perspectives Survey provides insights into the thoughts and behaviour of UK Employers as they make decisions about how to engage with training providers, schools, colleges and individuals in the wider skills system, to get the skills they need. This presentation includes information on the sources of external training that employers use.
The latest employment figures from the Office for National Statistics: https://www.ons.gov.uk/
The UK Data Service – primary data sources: https://www.ukdataservice.ac.uk/get-data/themes/labour/key-data.aspx
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development – labour market data and analysis on employers’ recruitment, redundancy and pay intentions: https://www.cipd.co.uk/knowledge/work/trends/labour-market-outlook
Local Enterprise Partnership’s (LEP’s) news: https://www.lepnetwork.net/news-and-events/?type=newsArticle
PayScale combines salary data with superior software utilising AI and the most advanced reporting tools available to help individuals know their worth and employers to get pay right: https://www.payscale.com/
National Careers Service (webchat and freephone): https://nationalcareers.service.gov.uk/
Call: 0800 100 900 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday 10am – 5pm Saturday