Alpha Trust and lead school Colchester County High School for Girls have been designated as one of the network of 89 national Teaching School Hubs, school-led centres of excellence dedicated to supporting teachers throughout their teaching career.

The Alpha Teaching School Hub provides a centre of excellence for teacher training and professional development, working in collaboration with other schools in the Babergh, Colchester, Ipswich and Tendring areas. As part of its Lead School role CCHSG is responsible for CPD, Research and Development and the deployment of Specialist Leaders of Education and National Leaders of Education across the network and beyond. The Teaching School Hub also delivers specialist national professional and leadership qualifications for classroom teachers and school leaders.

Alpha Teaching School Hub Logo

Through collaborative partnership our focus is on:

  • Initial Teacher Training
  • The Early Career Framework (ECF)
  • Appropriate Body Commissioning
  • Developing Middle and Senior Leaders using National Professional Qualifications.
  • Wider Continued Professional Development

By providing high quality professional development for staff and enabling the sharing of excellent practice across schools, the Teaching School Hub also aims to improve the recruitment and retention of teachers.  Through the centralised facilitation of courses and the sharing of resources, the hub enables the outstanding staff and leaders across our schools to collaborate in the delivery of training.  ATSH aims to use innovative models and evidence based pedagogical approaches to ensure that training is relevant to the particular needs of staff, and to the context of the school in which they work. This includes a focus on the emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of work as a teacher, promoting a good work life balance and supporting staff to realise their own identities, so that continual improvement is sustainable and can also be role modelled to students.

The programmes offered connect and support teachers at each stage of their careers and signpost relevant links to our partner organisations, including curriculum hubs, behaviour hubs and research schools, fostering a self-improving network using evidence-based practice.  This will ultimately have a positive impact on the outcomes for all the students across our designated area and beyond. 

Visit the Alpha Teaching School Hub website for more information